“Treasure and Transformation in the Ritual of Pilgrimage.” A Mystical Journey to the Sacred Sites, created by Amarpal Kaur Sohi, July 2023.
“The Magdalene Mysteries and the Path of the Blue Rose: How the Celestial Grail Codes are helping us to Awaken today.” The Golden Grail Summit, created by Eimear Stassin, June 2023.
“The Healing Power of Vision and Nature: Where Shamanism, Mysticism, and Jung’s Psychology of the Depths Converge.” The Art and Science of Shamanism, created by Celine Roche, March 2023.
“Reweaving Our Bond with Earth and Stars.” Caritas Consciousness Project, created by Coehlo, February 2023.
“From Earth to the Stars: Crop Circles, UFOs, and Our Multidimensional Nature.” The Language of Soul, created by Dr. Veselka Nikolova, MD, February 2023.
“Depression and the Healing Power of Nature.” Depression Summit Feb 2023
“UFO Encounters, Crop Circle Mysteries, and the Recovery of our Stellar Origins: A New Emerging Worldview.“ Forecast Event 2023, 2024, 2025, created by Jocelyn Starfeather, Sacred Planet, November 2022.
“Crop Circles as Oracular Portals.” Temporary Temples Crop Circle Online Conference, created by Karen Alexander, October 2023.
“Connecting to the Soul of the Earth: The Sacred Art of Pilgrimage.” Gaia’s Oasis, an online conference created by Maya Zackarow, April 2022.
“We Come from the Stars: Our Galactic Heritage.“ Wounds to Wings online conference, created by Blanca Vergara, March 2022.
“Abydos Egypt: Ancient Healing Temple and Mystery School.” Paper of my online talk for Into the Mythica, created by Jocelyn Starfeather, Sacred Planet, Jan 11th, 2022.
“Crop Circles as Oracles: The Sun-Moon Formation at Clear Wood, UK, July 2019.“ The Aquarian Wisdom online Conference, created by Jocelyn Starfeather, Sacred Planet, retitled for the conference, “Synchronicity and Non-local Oracular Knowing” May 2021.
“Crop Circles and the Mystery of the Grail.“ Temporary Temples online Crop Circle Online Conference, created by Karen Alexander, September 2020.
“Edge Thoughts.“ A Paper of my online talk with Jocelyn Starfeather for Sacred Planet, Sept 20, 2018
“Sacred Bees: Some Cultural, Mythic, and Symbolic Considerations.”
“The Magdalene Mysteries and the Path of the Blue Rose.”
“Dreams, Synchronicities, and Our Relationship to the Earth.” Earth, Climate, Dreams, Depth Psychology Alliance, created by Bonne Bright, PhD, 2017. This paper can be found in the published edited volume, Earth, Climate, Dreams: Dialogues with Depth Psychologists in the Age of the Anthropocene, (2019), Chapter 13, along with all the other talks for this Summit. Click here to order.